Personal Development Course

Includes workbook and course materials, with 24/7 access for 12 months.

Make your happiness a priority!

with Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway® Training.

“Great course. So glad I purchased it: I enjoyed the course. I already read the book many times and this course really enhanced my knowledge.” 

"Absolutely incredible! This has profoundly changed my life! Now it is my turn to share this with world."

"Every time I do this exercise, I am astonished at how powerful it is."

– Student Quotes

Did you enjoy Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway®? Are you ready to learn more? Then your next step is to enrol in a certified Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway® course. Priced at £149 (USD 190 approx) The Individual Personal Development Course is perfect for anyone who has read the book and wants to progress to a more advanced level.

Offering in-depth personal attention, the course allows you to learn more about the fears that are currently holding you back in your life!

  • 15 bespoke modules and 12 tutorial videos based entirely on the book
  • Learn the secrets of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® and how to apply the principles daily. 
  • Newly developed and structured with a unique personal workbook and journal system
  • Cost effective and flexible. You have full access to learning materials for an entire year. Study at your own pace, whenever and wherever you like, on any device.
  • Structured video lessons, delivered by Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® Director of training Rachael Alexander.
  • Unique self-assessment modules to check your progress.
  • Personal certificate of completion

After finishing Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway®, many readers are keen to learn more about the techniques and skills in the book. One way to do this is to find a licensed instructor and attend a workshop. If this is not workable, because of cost or availability, we recommend The Individual Personal Development course.

Course Contents

Available 24/7 with 12 months unlimited access

  • 1


    • Using the course player

    • Welcome to the Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway®online course

    • Our Inspirational Leader - Susan Jeffers

    • Course leader - Rachael Alexander

    • The History of Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway® Training

    • Download your course workbook

  • 2

    1A: Chapter 1 - What Are You Afraid of .... And Why?

    • Module 1 - Chapter 1 (Part A)

    • Module 1 - Chapter 1 - (Part A) Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 1A

  • 3

    1B: What Are You Afraid of .... And Why?

    • Module 1 - Chapter 1 (Part B)

    • Module 1 - Chapter 1 (Part B) - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 1B

  • 4

    2: Can't You Make It Go Away?

    • Module 2 - Chapter 2

    • Module 2 - Chapter 2 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 2

  • 5

    3: From Pain to Power

    • Module 3 - Chapter 3

    • Module 3 - Chapter 3 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 3

  • 6

    4: Whether You Want It Or Not ... It's Yours

    • Module 4 - Chapter 4

    • Module 4 - Chapter 4 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 4

  • 7

    5: Pollyanna Rides Again

    • Module 5 - Chapter 5

    • Module 5 - Chapter 5 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 5

  • 8

    6: When They Don't Want You To Grow

    • Module 6 - Chapter 6

    • Book Chapter 6 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 6

  • 9

    7: How To Make a No Lose Decision

    • Module 7 - Chapter 7

    • Module 7 - Chapter 7 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 7

  • 10

    8: How Whole Is Your "Whole Life"?

    • Module 8 - Chapter 8

    • Module 8 - Chapter 8 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 8

  • 11

    9: Just Nod Your Head - Say "Yes!"

    • Module 9 - Chapter 9

    • Module 9 - Chapter 9 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 9

  • 12

    10: Choosing Love and Trust

    • Module 10 - Chapter 10

    • Module 10 - Chapter 10 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 10

  • 13

    11: Filling The Inner Void

    • Module 11 - Chapter 11

    • Module 11 - Chapter 11 - Check Your Learning

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 11

  • 14

    12: There Is Plenty Of Time

    • Module 12 - Chapter 12

    • Reflective Journalling Questions - Chapter 12

    • Where can I go from here?

    • Completion of Course and Certificate

Personal Development Course

Including all course materials